This program is designed to greatly facilitate the process of writing a racing missions. Strictly speaking, you are required only to enter some data on which to build script of the mission. This knowledge of scripting not necessarily to write a mega-racing missions. However, the Sanny Builder `a must.
Here are some of functions and features: • Automatic positioning / angle of rotation of players from the game. • Adding objects to the game (such as ramps). • Adding events to the game (beta). • Establishment of missions such as Sprint / circle. • Verification Mission after the creation by pressing one (!) Button (the mission found itself and start GTA: SA - for the version of SB is not below 3.0) • Change machines / Checkpoint / objects / events. • Other options (weather, time of the race, the possibility of repetition, etc.) The program is easy to use, in extreme cases, there are a couple of examples of racing missions. P.S. Do not forget to specify the path to the SA and SB (File> Preferences)